Monday, June 22, 2015

Months 7 and 8

I know that I haven't been blogging like I should. I told myself that I would do better this summer since I was at home, but I have been enjoying spending time with my little man. He has two bottom teeth, eats just about anything you give him. He's still not a big fan of carrots. The top two are trying to come through. He sat up by himself in crib, then a few days later pulled himself up to standing. He is crawling all over the place and pulling himself up.  He loves story time every day. He is sleeping in the pack and play more each night. Still nursing. Since I've been home, we spend time each day playing, eating at regular times, two naps, and at least 3 days a week we play in our kiddie pool. He loves the water and splashing. I can't wait to see what he does in the big pool. We have taken a trip and he did great. Until next time...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Reid's Speed

I have come to realize that Reid does things when he is ready, and if you try to push him to do something sooner he is more resilient. People asked me all the time, "Is he crawling yet? Talking?" My answer is "No, but he is ...." I  list his accomplishments. He may be a little behind in some aspects for a typical 7 month old, but in other ways I think he has done some things earlier than normal.  He has two teeth, and is eating solids 3 times a day.   I am making his baby food.  He reaches for familiar people when he wants them to hold him.  He is all over the house in his walker or when you put him on the floor, he may not be crawling but knows how to roll and scoot.  He knows how to open and shut books, and tries to turn the pages.  He tries to talk even though it is baby babble and no real words yet.  I pretend we are having a conversation and talk to him all the time, saying "really? and what else happened?  like he is telling me a story.  He is a happy baby, only cries when starving or really sleepy.  His favorite animals are doggies and penguins.  His favorite food is sweet potatoes.  He loves being sung to, even though mommy can't carry a tune.  He laughs at our dogs and when being tickled.  He loves bath time playing in the water, with bubbles and toys.  Every baby is different in their milestones and Reid has to do things at his speed and no one else's.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Working Mama

Hello again. I know it's been a while since I have put a post on here. I'm like a lot of you and a working mama.  I have been struggling with wanting to be a stay at home mom.  I hate leaving my little one because I am afraid that I will miss something.  I haven't been to a doctor's appointment except for 2 weeks and a special visit last week. My little man is now 7 months old.  I am a teacher and I was very fortunate to have snow days home with my little one, but it spoiled me.  Reid is rolling all over the place, has 2 front bottom teeth, eating solids, and can sit up on his own.  I feel guilty for leaving him to go to work, but I have finally excepted the fact that I need to work to provide for my family and have health insurance.  I have five weeks left of school and then I will be home with him for the summer.  I cannot wait! If anyone has advice for making this easier or feel the same way please comment!

Friday, February 20, 2015

New Milestones 20-21 Weeks

Week 21 I have had the privilege to be at home with my little man due to snow days.  I have learned so much from being home with him for just this one week.  He has been moving around in his walker, he likes moving backward, forward, and sideways.  He makes mm-mm sounds when he's hungry.  He is so much more alert and interactive with adults and our animals.  He enjoys petting Bella, we still have to work on grabbing her hair, but she is so gentle with him.  He laughs at the dogs growling and playing.  Still loves bath time, loves splashing and has learned to push up and down.  We have been playing with a few toys in the bathtub.  He has been rolling over to belly a lot recently and stays there and plays if he can reach toys or looks around.  He has been rolling to the right, which initially when he rolled over it was to the left.  We are still effectively breastfeeding and it has helped to have been home this past week.  He does so much better when I am able to be with him.  He has been vocalizing a lot more, talking or babbling.  He recognizes all familiar faces.  Loves to be sitting up, I can't wait for him to sit up on his own so he can do it whenever he wants, not when mommy or daddy are around to help.  He has been in his walker, vibrating seat, and bumbo seat sitting up multiple times daily.  He has learned to squeal the past couple of days.

Ever wanted to travel with baby, and wonder what to pack, how much?

I found this list off of Baby Center and would like to share.  I found it helpful for when we decide to travel somewhere for a weekend with our little one.

Packing Checklist:
Changing Pad
Plastic Bags
Diaper Rash Cream
Small bottles of hand sanitizer, baby wash, baby lotion
Extra Pacifiers (if your baby uses one)
A few of baby's favorite toys
Clothes, socks, and booties or shoes (1-2 per day is a good guideline, also pack each outfit in a plastic ziplock bag, to save time from searching for everything that you will need)
Washable Bibs
Sun hat or toboggan
Lightweight plastic feeding tools and baby food
Formula, Water, and Juice if appropriate
Extra bottles, nipples, and sippy cups if appropriate
Energy boosting snacks for mommy to munch on
Breast Pump
Night light
First Aid Kit
Sling or Front Carrier
Portable Crib or Play yard
Inflatable Bath Tub
Car Seat
Collapsible Stroller
Phone and Camera for mama :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Ok mamas. I need some advice. My lo will roll over to his belly when in the pack and play and I try to roll him over. If he is completely on his back, he screams. Is it ok to let him sleep that way or do I need to try and keep him on his back? He will be 5 months the 25th.  Help...I don't want to not get any rest with being worried about him.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

New Milestones 16-17 Weeks

Reid laughed out loud, chuckled on January 15th.  He rolled over from back to belly on January 21st.  This mama is excited.  He's growing and doing something new constantly.  Love taking his pics and videos.